Wednesday, November 7, 2012

celebration spanking of Obama win!

Hi all:

This blog is almost exclusively about my relationship with my husband Evan, and how I now keep him in line with regular strict discipline, as he needs.  I don't think I have ever mentioned a political orientation in my writings yet...  I am breaking that string with this one post, where I express my happiness and relief that Obama won the election.  (I know that some large fraction of you readers may disagree with me, but this is my blog, and I can therefore express my view here.)

It should come as no surprise that Evan and I are strong supporters of the Democratic party, including Obama and our new senator-elect Warren.  After all, I am educated, from a big city in Massachusetts, under 35, and a woman.  All of these factors statistically suggest that I would vote for Obama, and I did.  I am very pleased that he and Elizabeth Warren won!

As a celebration of this, I gave Evan a good spanking before we went to bed.  That was my celebration spanking!

The photos are new to the blog, but are not from last night...  I didn't film the spanking last night.  That was just for Evan and me.

Hugs to all!


that one hurt!  But I am just getting started here...  More later!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Sorry, Jake: I deleted your comment because it was inflammatory regarding my political opinions.

      Please remember that no one has a right to post on my blog. This is my own personal blog: if your comment is rude, then I will probably delete it.


  2. Yes, no surprise there! WE need more strong women like you and Elizabeth Warren.
    My wife was working late last night and had thought of celebrating the election by sitting on my face when she got home late and found me in bed already. Unfortunately I was up late watching the election results when she got home (come on Ohio!) and by the time we went to bed it was fast asleep for both of us.
    Glad to hear that someone got to celebrate in style!

    1. Thank you Mr. Bill! I appreciate your comment. Sorry I have been so slow to respond this time.


  3. I'm glad he won too, Deidre.
    I think President Obama is a good, kind, and compassionate man.

    1. Great pictures Miss Deidre and congratulations on your victory. Although I don't share the same political views because I'm an educated middle age male from the south which statistically makes me Republican which I am. But I also know that we all have our right to choose which is what makes this country great. And whether you win or lose you should respect the freedom of choice as well as the person who won, which I will
      And I would just like to add that it's a good thing Evan shares your views politictally cause like me with Dianne disagreemaent can get painful. LOL
      Bob S.

    2. To Ricky:

      Yes, we like Obama also. We also think he is very smart, with generally good sense.

      To Bob S:

      Thank you for the respectful comment. We were quite familiar with Romney, with us being in Mass (where he was governor not long ago). I don't think that he would have been a bad choice -- much better than some alternatives that I can think of in the Republican party -- but we were always uncertain what he stood for. But he is a smart capable man.

      Anyway, thanks for your opinion, and I hope that Dianne sees to it that you get some proper regular beatings.


  4. More please ma'am, love you with Evan otk and spanking his bottom. Hey I voted Obama, do I get to come over your lap!!


    1. Hi Ron:

      You never know, Ron, you never know.

      I assume you like the next pictures that I posted: you seem to be a big fan of otk.


    2. Yes ma'am, never know, amazing.

      Totally ma'am, to me otk is the ultimate with a wonderful, caring but stern spanker like well YOU!
      I love your otk pics.

  5. Hey Deidre,

    I too am an educated white male

    And a hardcore Democtat.....

    Great win!!!!!!!!

    And Elizabeth Warren is great!!!!!

    1. Thanks, WC! I couldn't agree more. I am still overjoyed at the election results.

      Maybe soon gay marriage will be legal all over the US, and maybe pot will get legalized! Wouldn't that be something? How times change.

      (FWIW, I don't smoke pot, but I support legalization. I think it's much worse for everyone overall to have it illegal.)

  6. Obedient Hubby here. I am a white male, senior, lifelong Southerner and lifelong liberal. A "celebration" spanking is a wonderful idea. Aunt Kay spanks Jerry on HER birthday (and his, of course), and doesn't go easy on him (ever).

    All the best,


    1. Hi OH:

      Great for you!

      And for Aunt Kay too of course. If you're out there, somewhere, Hi Jerry & Aunt Kay!


  7. You've got a great blog!
    I too voted for Obama, and I'm happy he won.
    It was good to hear you guys made it through the storm un touched. We're also in MA...Western end.
    My wife and I are new to this life style, but we are well on our way. Spanking in our house is for disciplining purposes towards me, and it works!


    1. Hi Jim:

      Thanks for the comment, and congratulations on the wife-led relationship. It's the best way to go for me and Evan anyway.

      Let me know how the disciplining works in your house, sometime. It's always nice to hear from local people.


  8. Deidre
    Once again beautiful pics of Evans bottom. I too voted Obama and share in the celebration. It's nice that you kept last nights spanking just for you two. Makes it more special and a strong bonding for you two. Have a good night!

    1. Thanks Mary! Yes, I like to keep him for myself most of the time. I only share sometimes, and I see that as a service to wife-led relationships.

      Great to hear from you, as always,


  9. A great way to celebrate! I may follow your example later tonight!


    PS. On the other hand, Mitt is the one who needs spanking. Do you think his wife is up to it? :-)

    1. Hi J:

      I don't think Mitt or his wife is into spanking, but one never knows...

      If she spanked him, I think he'd more likely be a Democrat, but I could be wrong... I don't know the party split among spanko people. Does anyone know this?


    2. L. did get a "celebration" spanking on Nov. 7 - but it was a playful one!

      Once the excitement was over, it was back to the standard fare: two major paddlings last week, and three memorable sessions this week (with the martinet, the carpet beater and the rattan cane) on Wednesday, Friday and this past Sunday)


  10. I am writing to you so I may gain some knowledge on spanking. My boyfriend and I are new to this. I know that some of the leather paddles I use really turn me on as well as him. But I want to learn and teach him to know who really is in charge.
    I was hoping you could write back and give me a few tips, wrongs and rights.
    Are there any books to read/ teach me???
    Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you.

    1. Dear SSGush:

      Write me an email, and I will see if I can help.

      Regarding books, I don't know if there is much out there. There are a few good websites and blogs where most of the information is available. I like to think my blog is one.

      Best wishes,


    2. Here is my email address, if you could please send me an email as I dont know yours.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Great way to celebrate! Did Evan get one spank for every electoral vote Obama got? ;-)

    LOVE Your blog by the way, reading Your adventures is always fun and inspiring!

    1. Hi AMW:

      Yes, Evan got at least 300 spanks: that's a normal / short spanking for him. A long one can be double or triple that.

      (The only reason I know this is that Evan is so obsessed with spanking details that he has counted my spank rate in our videos, and so he can tell by time how many spanks I usually give him!)


  13. wall st. is thrilled, the market crashed 300 points. expect more of that.

    1. Your logic, sir, is impeccable.

      Well, I should really have deleted this rude comment, but somehow I left it.

      Fortunately, most commenters were extremely kind and supportive, including several Republicans who were very polite. Let's try to keep civil at all times, please. Even when we disagree.


  14. being a very liberal democrat also, i find this to be a wonderful way to celebrate. i really got a kick out of anyone who believed anything that romney said. he was a horrible governor and would have been a real disaster as president. i nice warm fireworks spanking is a wonderful celebration.

    1. Hi Tommy:

      I didn't think that Romney was so bad as a governor. He did pass the universal health care package, which I thought was impressive, especially for a Republican.

      In any case, I prefer Obama as president.

      And Evan is happy too, over my lap, receiving my celebration paddling.


  15. It was a huge relief to us too. Glad you found a way to celebrate.
    I'm sure E did not mind, but either way, it would be worth any amount of spanks to keep Obama.

    1. Hi Scally:

      Yes I totally agree: I wish it were so simple: spank Evan to get what I need. Win-win for me.


  16. Taking one for the party. I shudder to think what he would have got if Romney had won!



    1. Hi R:

      That's a good question: what would I have done if Romney had won? I don't think I would have spanked Evan after that possible event. Spanking is a joyful act for me, most of the time (even when it's punishment for him). So I would probably just have been sad and worried about the future..

      So Evan is lucky on multiple levels!


  17. Humm. Anti Oboma, anti anti Warren. I suppose this means I am going to get a spanking. Caddydlr

  18. While the state of Florida cannot count, Mistress Barbara taught me to count and say Thank You decades ago. i do not think i could take the electoral college count at one time. May be over the course of a long day.

    1. Hi dualpurpose:

      (what does that email address mean?)

      Good for your mistress Barbara! She sounds like someone I would like to know.


  19. you shoud give me a spanking for voting for Mit Rommey not obama lol i owuld accept the painful spanking from you also i feel you or any other female should give me spanking for voting with out doing my homework on the people i should and shouldnt vote for what you say to this idea

    madison ohio

    1. You want me to reward you with a spanking for voting for Romney?! (And in critical Ohio too?!) No, Mike, it doesn't work like that.

      I recommend that you find yourself a Republican spanker woman. This might be slightly difficult: I think you need an open-minded woman to spank you, and I am not sure how many women are both open-minded and Republican. (Maybe there are lots: personally, I don't know many women like this.) So maybe this is part of your problem in finding a woman to spank you: you may be looking in the wrong demographics.


  20. Hi Miss Deidrde well i wouldnt want a reward spanking for voting for Rommey a spanking for not voting for Ombama but i dont think we have differnt choices should call for spanking just tring come up with reason for you to spank me and since i live in ohio i agree it crtitical and your right agian doesnt work like that

    i like your idea of me finding a Republican spanker woman well i think any woman who into spanking or a spanker has to be open minded to mostly to reason spanking should be done i aslo agree i may be looking in wrong places and going to fast to when trying approach females for spanking i over due it

    Madison Ohio age 41
